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HomeVillage Voices Newsletter

Village Voices aims to build and strengthen connectedness and engagement
among Ashby Villagers and our neighbors and friends by providing a glimpse
of the interests and passions of the individuals in our vibrant community and by
celebrating the village programs, events, and activities we find meaningful and enriching.

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In This Issue:

• Member Survey Acknowledgements
Program Leadership: Mary Graham
• Meet Member Linda Blachman • Grocery Shopping = Love • New Walk Organizing Team • Coming: 5-Part Series on State of Health Care for Older Adults   

• Explore the AV YouTube Channel
• Volunteering
     Meet Amy Blasenheim
Drivers, Events, Tech, Coms

In This Issue:

• Meet Members
Lily Iona MacKenzie
Helen and Paul Canin 

• What Inspires You? Writing & Dance
• Program Leadership Team: Karen Cross

In Loving Memory
Rhoda Haberman, Curry Barber

• May Event Highlights:

90+Tea Party

Elder Action: End-of-Life Options Act

• Sam Foushee Honored 

In This Issue:
• "Reciprocity" by ED Bab Freiberg
• Juneteenth Holiday; Pride Lunch
• Meet New Board Member Mike Webb
• Meet Member Dagmar Friedman
• What Inspires You? Susan Halpern
• June Event Highlights:
     Pre-Social Hour: Lily Iona MacKenzie
     Rachel Goodman Edelson
• Photos! 90+ Tea Party
• Welcome New Volunteers
• A Poem by Dana Gioia

In This Issue:

• "Opening Our Gifts" by ED Bab Freiberg

• Meet Member Philip Gerrard

• Next 2 Tai Chi Class Series  

• In Loving Memory
Norma McLean, Linda Polsby

• March Event Highlights:

Pre-Social Hour: Sing Along

Nature Walks & Hikes

Elder Action: Plastics Show & Tell

Open Board Meeting

• Volunteer Spotlight: Sonia Hochschild

• MedPal Training, Drivers Needed

In This Issue:

• Member Survey
• What Inspires You? Pickleball!

• 2 Tai Chi Classes Continue 
• New Women in 70s Support Group
• Monthly Death Cafe starts in May

• In Loving Memory: Kristina Holland

• April Event Highlights:

Science & Ideas: Climate Change

Nature Walks & Hikes

Elder Action: Youth Alive! 

Final Celeste Solo Ensemble Concert

• A Poem by Rita Dove

In This Issue:

• Matching Donation Challenge Success

• Meet Member Lorraine Osmundson

• 2 Tai Chi Class Series Begin

• 2023 Walks & Hikes Review

• January Event Highlights:

Pre-Social Hour: The Perennials

Science & Ideas: Abortion Debate

Nature Walks & Hikes

Elder Action: End-of-Life Option Act

Film: Keys Bags Names Words

• Volunteer Spotlight: Hilary Naylor

• Book Review: How to Live Forever

In This Issue:
• Meet Member Schuyler Bailey
• Connections Friends/Visitor Program
• A Poem by W.S. Merwin
• Holiday Party, Film Screening Recap
• February Event Highlights:
Pre-Social Hour: Fiji Slideshow
Tai Chi (Berkeley & Oakland)
Nature Walks & Hikes
Science & Ideas: Bio Therapies
Celeste Ensemble Concert
Workshop: Senior Scams
• Volunteer Spotlight: Howard Kirsch

Want to check out issues of Village Voices from past years? Visit our Newsletter Archive