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Time Spent in Nature is Time Well Spent!

By a nemophilist (a haunter of the woods; one who loves the forest and its beauty) Audre Newman, AV Member & Volunteer

The value of spending time in nature has been recognized all over the world for centuries, maybe more.  Today, some immerse their 5 senses in the woods on gentle walks in Japanese Forests (Shinrin-Yoku/ Forest Bathing), while Nordic Well-being is encouraged and practiced in Scandinavian companies and schools to create happier and healthier populations.  Here in the U.S.A, some individuals enjoy the benefits of time spent in nature by joining Ashby Village Nature Walks in the priceless green spaces of our public parks and nature reserves.


What IS the value of spending time in nature?  What is this mood-enhancing, peace of mind feeling and rejuvenation that some people feel after walking 40 minutes or more in a green, natural place?

It’s “real” say researchers: it results from the reduction of the stress hormone cortisol in your body and an increase in your immune defense system when compared with walking or exercising in an urban setting. 


Stress is the underlying cause of many ailments: headaches, HBP, heart problems, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, and arthritis, among many others. “A study conducted across 24 forests in Japan found that when people strolled in a wooded area, their levels of the stress hormone cortisol plummeted almost 16 percent more than when they walked in an urban environment. And the effects were quickly apparent: Subjects' blood pressure showed improvement after about 15 minutes of the practice.”

Most people are not aware that trees and plants emit chemicals called phytoncides that are beneficial to humans. “‘Phytoncide exposure reduces stress hormones, indirectly increasing the immune system's ability to kill tumor cells,’ says Tokyo-based researcher Qing Li, MD, PhD”. 
Women who logged two to four hours in a forest on two consecutive days saw a nearly 40 percent surge in the activity of cancer-fighting white blood cells, according to one study. (“Shinrin-Yoku: The Japanese Practice That Could Transform Your Day” by Nicole Frehsée)


Although no studies have been done on Ashby Village participants, some say that the Nature Walks are among the best parts of being a member.  In addition to adding significant “steps” to their day (health organizations recommend 10,000 steps daily) the comradery that develops and the social aspects are not to be ignored.


Come give our Nature Walks program a try.  AV offers convenient weekly hour-long walks on Monday mornings at Cesar Chavez Park, 2-hour walks in the East Bay Regional Parks on 2nd Sundays and 4th Saturdays each month, and bi-monthly adventures in parks throughout the Bay Area that are accessible by public transit. Just check the bright green-coded events in the Ashby Village "Coming Up" at weekly emails, or on the online calendar for the exact dates and times and for contact information.  See you in Nature!


Popular press and major magazine articles

Oprah Magazine June 2014: The new nature walk.pdf

Atlantic Magazine 2013: How nature resets our minds and bodies.pdf

Mother Earth News January 2013: Your brain on nature.pdf

Outside Magazine 2012: Take two hours of pine forest and call me in the morning.pdf